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Serving the Northland


It’s the Perfect Time of Year for Furnace Replacement


Ahhh, springtime in Minnesota. We’re finally thawing out, the flowers are blooming, and we’re thinking about summer and air conditioning. We might not think about our heating systems for months. But here’s the thing: if you do need to replace your furnace, it would be much better to do it now than wait until fall, or worse, until it fails completely next January.

There are many considerations when it comes to getting a new heating system. Do you really need to do it yet? Should you get the same kind you’ve had before? How can you make sure it’s efficient? How much will it cost? The easiest furnace replacement question to answer is what time of year is the best time to have your new heating system installed. It’s now! Here’s why.

Time for Planning

In order to get all the answers you need to those other questions, you’ll need some time. Gathering as much information as possible is the best way to make a choice about your home’s heating system that you’ll be happy with for many years to come. Right now, you won’t need to rush that process and risk ending up wishing you’d chosen differently.

Time for Scheduling

You’ll want to plan ahead for your installation appointment. And it’s not just that: if there are any other modifications that need to be made so that your installation will go smoothly and you’ll get the most out of your new system, you’ll need to schedule that first. 

Perhaps you’ll need to have your home connected to your local natural gas utility provider if you’re switching to a gas furnace for the first time. Or it could be that your ductwork is in poor condition. Leaking ducts waste a huge amount of energy, sometimes allowing 30% or more of a home’s heated air to escape. You might only get the heat you deserve from your new system after duct repair.

Ease of Installation

Hauling an old furnace out and a new furnace in will be quicker and less messy when your home isn’t surrounded by piles of snow or expanses of slick ice. You also won’t have to worry about your heat being off for hours and your door being opened repeatedly during cold weather.

Peace of Mind

If you put off replacing your furnace, hoping to get through one more winter, you may find yourself stressed out about your heating situation, needing sudden repairs, facing high utility bills because your dying furnace is inefficient, or ending up with a rushed mid-winter furnace replacement.

Choosing to deal with it now means avoiding all that hassle and worry. And once you’ve finished the process of furnace replacement in Coleraine, MN, you can rest easy knowing you’re completely prepared for winter. If you’d like to discuss your heating system replacement options, schedule installation, or ask any questions you may have, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Reach out to Mesaba Heating & Air Conditioning today. Service to you is success to us!

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