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Serving the Northland


Get Ready for Cold & Flu Season with an Air Purifier


In Minnesota, autumn is certainly beautiful. But we know what’s coming: a long stretch of the sort of weather that keeps most folks indoors most of the time. And while we’re in there, we’re breathing in the recirculated exhales and sneezes of other people. No wonder cold and flu germs have such an easy time infecting everyone!

We believe you can take control of your health and wellbeing and keep yourself and your family safer. Instead of suffering through cold and flu season, you should be enjoying the holiday season. How can you reduce your risk of getting sick this fall and winter? With an air purifier! And it has other benefits as well. Check this out.

Germs Are Vulnerable

You are a large, complex organism made of many, many cells. In fact, you have specialized cells all over the outside of you—skin—that are strong and keep things out of the rest of your body. Germs, on the other hand, do not have these amazing adaptations. They are individual, single cells. There’s nothing to protect them but the delicate, vulnerable cell membrane.

Ultraviolet Light Is Powerful

At certain frequencies, light has incredible powers. Infrared, for example, can show us heat signatures. That’s what you see being used for night-vision goggles in spy movies. Ultraviolet light is at the opposite end of the visible spectrum from infrared, and it has other powers. It can break through the cell membranes that germs rely on for their structural integrity! It causes the proteins that hold them together to dissolve.

UV Air Purifiers Are Safe

You, a big strong human, could even be vulnerable, if you were exposed to enough powerful UV radiation. You might get a sunburn! Don’t worry, even the most powerful UV light can’t dissolve you like a germ. And with a whole house air purifier, the UV germicidal light is installed inside your ductwork. The only thing it purifies is the air inside the ducts—you won’t be exposed to the light at all.

Clean Air Has Many Benefits

UV light can destroy pathogens like bacteria, mold spores, and viruses that can cause serious illness. But the benefits go beyond that! Not only do people with UV air purifiers spend less time being sick or caring for sick family members, they experience less respiratory irritation in general. This means it can be extremely beneficial for people with conditions like asthma or allergies.

Other, more general aspects of wellbeing are also boosted when people start breathing purified air. Headaches are less frequent. Sleep at night comes easier and is more restful. Energy levels and moods are elevated during the day.

Your home will seem more pleasant, too. Why? Because the unpleasant odors of trash can, litter box, or teenage feet are caused by bacteria floating around in the air. When the purifier neutralizes those bacteria, your whole house will immediately start smelling fresher!

Improve your wellbeing in so many ways with an air purifier in Chisholm, MN.

Reach out to Mesaba Heating & Air Conditioning today. Service to you is success to us!

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