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What Services Do Different HVAC Systems Need?


Not every home has the same type of HVAC system. There are many options that can make for ideal home comfort, depending on things like the layout of your home and the needs of your family. But the one thing that’s always true is that any component of your HVAC system is an investment. If you take good care of it, it will keep you comfortably cozy or cool for many years!

The trick is in knowing what’s needed by way of HVAC maintenance to keep your equipment in the best possible condition. And since there are so many possible systems, how can you tell? Don’t worry; don’t get overwhelmed. We’ve got you covered. Here’s a simple explanation of what services are necessary for various types of HVAC systems. 

Twice-a-Year Maintenance

Regardless of what the specific components of your HVAC system are, plan to have a qualified technician come to do a thorough checkup and maintenance twice a year. This is usually done in the spring and the fall. That way, just before summer and winter—when you need cooling and heating the most—you’ll be sure your system is ready for all that hard work.

In the spring, the focus will be on your air conditioner. It must be cleaned and lubricated, so it won’t experience terrible wear and tear and overheating from blankets of dust, particles of grit, and the friction of dry components rubbing against each other. It must also have every component inspected, so anything worn can be replaced, anything loose can be secured, and any electrical concerns can be remedied.

In the fall, the focus will be on your heating system. Although the components are not the same as the parts of your air conditioner, the basic steps of the process are very similar. Cleaning, lubrication, inspecting, and testing are the primary goals. 

For both systems, this maintenance will improve performance and boost efficiency. It will reduce the risk of anything going wrong, so your likelihood of needing repairs in the coming season will drop dramatically. And it will keep your system happy for the long term, so it won’t need to be replaced nearly so soon.

Special Note: Heat Pumps

This type of system needs attention at both maintenance appointments. Because it provides heating as well as cooling, it works much more of the year than a traditional central AC unit, so it needs extra attention.

Air Filters

Both air conditioners and forced-air heating systems have air filters. They are the reason why the dust and grime only need to be cleaned from your HVAC system twice a year: they catch most of it. But this means they’ll get clogged quite frequently. Familiarize yourself with the air filters of your systems and make sure they get cleaned or replaced about once a month, or reduced airflow will cause overheating.


As soon as you notice a problem, have it checked promptly by a qualified HVAC technician so that whatever’s wrong can get resolved instead of getting worse! The most common clue of an HVAC problem is an unusual noise of some kind. Other indicators can include odors, very short cycles, insufficient or uneven heating or cooling, or rising utility bills.

Whenever you need HVAC maintenance in Virginia, MN, we’re ready to help.

Reach out to Mesaba Heating & Air Conditioning today. Service to you is success to us!

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