Mesaba Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

The Difference Heating Maintenance Makes

Monday, October 14th, 2024

Here in Minnesota, it’s absolutely critical to have our heating systems working properly. Any kind of interruption or heating system breakdown can be dangerous! The best way to make sure you won’t have any disruptions to your ability to keep your home cozy is to get heating maintenance done in the fall.

What kind of maintenance is done to heating systems? Why is it necessary? When does it need to be done? What are the benefits of having heating maintenance done regularly? We can explain it all.

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It’s the Perfect Time of Year for Furnace Replacement

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Ahhh, springtime in Minnesota. We’re finally thawing out, the flowers are blooming, and we’re thinking about summer and air conditioning. We might not think about our heating systems for months. But here’s the thing: if you do need to replace your furnace, it would be much better to do it now than wait until fall, or worse, until it fails completely next January.

There are many considerations when it comes to getting a new heating system. Do you really need to do it yet? Should you get the same kind you’ve had before? How can you make sure it’s efficient? How much will it cost? The easiest furnace replacement question to answer is what time of year is the best time to have your new heating system installed. It’s now! Here’s why.

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A Rattling Heater Is a Problem

Monday, February 5th, 2024

Your heater can’t call out to you and say, “Excuse me, I think there’s a problem. I don’t feel so well.” But it can give you some signals, and you should listen well when you hear them. Ignoring an odd heater sound probably means ignoring a need for repair, and the longer you postpone a repair, the greater the chance that the problem will get worse and the repair will be more expensive.

Any sound your heating system makes is cause for concern. Listen when your heater is working well, familiarize yourself with the hum and whoosh of proper heater operation, and you’ll be able to tell when something is different. One common heater noise that definitely indicates a problem is rattling. What could be causing that? We’ll help you figure it out.

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Don’t Try to Fix Your Furnace by Yourself

Monday, December 11th, 2023

In Minnesota, it’s more critical than almost anywhere else in the country to have your heating system work well and be reliable. When you’re concerned about your furnace, you know it needs to be fixed right away. You might be tempted to try some DIY furnace repair, but that would be a dangerous plan. Here are the risks you’d face trying to fix your furnace yourself. 

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Your New Home Additions Need Heat Too

Monday, November 27th, 2023

Sometimes, a home just isn’t large enough for a family’s needs. Maybe you’re having more children. Maybe your parents or in-laws are moving in. Or maybe you’ve just had an amazing idea for a game room or other specialized space. It’s very common to build an addition or convert space like a garage, attic, or basement so it can be lived in. 

The tricky bit is that this new space doesn’t just need to be planned, built, insulated, and finished. It also needs to be heated, especially in our climate. What are the options for expanding your heating system to provide enough warmth for the new addition to your home? We’re so glad you asked.

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No Heat? Stay Warm With These Emergency Tips

Monday, November 13th, 2023

While we pride ourselves on getting to our customers promptly when their heat has failed, the fact of the matter is that a house can get very cold quite quickly in the dead of a Minnesota winter. If your furnace has broken down and you’re waiting for heating repair, here are some tips for keeping warm until your technician arrives. 

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How Long Can a Maintained Boiler Last?

Monday, October 16th, 2023

The home heating boiler is a classic for a reason, and still popular enough for millions of Americans to use this type of heating system. The heat they provide is very even, avoiding the hot and cold spots that plague some forced-air systems, and they’re quite efficient. But the biggest selling point of a boiler is just how long they last.

While a boiler can last a long time, the biggest factor in whether they actually keep running is maintenance. So how long can they last if well-maintained?

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Why Boilers Last Longer than Conventional Heaters

Monday, September 18th, 2023

Gas furnaces for forced hot air systems are the most popular way to heat homes in the US. But boilers remain very popular as well, for a wide variety of reasons. For one thing, houses in colder climates, like ours, are less likely to have ductwork. This is because it was first intended for use in central air conditioning systems, and homes in hotter parts of the country were more likely to be built with air conditioning in mind. Another major reason for the continued popularity of boilers is their longevity. Boilers last longer than furnaces. They might be able to keep heating your home for thirty years! Let’s take a close look at why that is.

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Preparing for Fall: Our Furnace Checklist

Monday, September 4th, 2023

You might not want to think about a cold Minnesota winter just yet, but you definitely don’t want it to sneak up on you while you’re unprepared! Your heating system is the first thing to keep in mind, since it’s the last thing you could live without come January. How can you make sure your furnace is prepared for fall? Follow this handy checklist, and you’ll be all ready when the cold weather hits. 

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All the Pros and Cons of Using a Boiler to Heat Your Home

Monday, February 20th, 2023

Are you building a new home? Or perhaps you’re unsatisfied with your current heating system and looking for something better? A boiler is a great option for home heating, and as you weigh that possibility, you should have as much information as possible. We’ll lay out for you exactly what’s great about a boiler, and we’ll also explain the potential downsides.

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