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Serving the Northland


How to Know if Your Old Heater Needs to Be Replaced


A heater is a complex system with many components. Even with regular maintenance, it’s inevitable that something will require repair eventually. At some point, you may start to wonder whether it’s worth continuing to try to keep your old heater running.

Is it time to replace your heater with a new model? We’ll share some factors you should weigh as you make that decision.


A gas heater can last 15 years or more as long as it receives annual maintenance. A well-maintained electric heater can last up to 20 years. However, as these systems age, they will require more repairs. If your heater is still running at the upper limit of its likely lifespan, you’re probably wondering how much more money it’s reasonable to spend on repairs.

Considering heater replacement in Bovey, MN means considering the weather. If an inexpensive repair could keep your heater running until spring, it might be worth avoiding the hassle of replacement during the winter. It is possible to install a new heater during the winter, so if it would be very costly to make your old heater functional, a replacement could be the better choice.


Do you have uneven heat in your home, with some rooms being comfortably cozy and others never getting quite warm enough? Does your heater struggle to get your home warm enough at all? If your heating system is relatively young, these issues can likely be resolved with repairs. However, there are times when this is reason enough to consider replacement: if your heating system is quite old, if you’ve had repairs but the problems persist, or if you suspect that your heater is just not designed to heat a space as big as your home. 


Annual maintenance should be able to restore your heating system to very nearly the level of efficiency it had when it was new. This does not always work out so well as a heater gets quite old, though. Inefficiency on its own is not a reason to give up on a heater if you haven’t had repairs or maintenance done.

There are three situations that might make it enough of a reason: again, if the heater is already very old, if the repairs have not resolved the problem, or if you know that you want to invest in a highly-efficient new furnace or heat pump. 

Repair Needs

Your heating system should not need frequent repairs. If you have needed to call a technician in to repair your heater every year in recent years, we would consider that frequent. The money you have been spending trying to keep your heater running might be better used on a new heater that won’t break down so frequently.


If you have any reason to be concerned about the safety of your heater, and in particular if you have had your carbon monoxide alarms go off, you should shut the heater down and get a technician to inspect it right away. It is never worth risking your health and safety. If financing a new heating system makes you hesitate to replace an unsafe heater, we’re happy to discuss our flexible payment plan with you so that you can get the heat you need without taking any risks.

Reach out to Mesaba Heating & Air Conditioning today for all your home heating needs. Service to you is success to us!

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