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Serving the Northland


The Difference Heating Maintenance Makes


Here in Minnesota, it’s absolutely critical to have our heating systems working properly. Any kind of interruption or heating system breakdown can be dangerous! The best way to make sure you won’t have any disruptions to your ability to keep your home cozy is to get heating maintenance done in the fall.

What kind of maintenance is done to heating systems? Why is it necessary? When does it need to be done? What are the benefits of having heating maintenance done regularly? We can explain it all.

What Happens During Heating Maintenance?

The first thing that your HVAC technician needs to do is get things cleaned up! A lot of dust and grime accumulates in a heating system. And some heating systems have condensate drains that can get slimy with stagnant water. All of this needs to be thoroughly cleaned, and this job requires some disassembling of complex components, so it’s definitely not a DIY project!

Once everything is clean, your technician can closely inspect all the components, checking for damage or deterioration, and making any adjustments to parts that have gotten loose or misaligned. Then, moving parts need to be lubricated, so they won’t scrape and grind against each other, they’ll move smoothly. Finally, electrical components will undergo testing to make sure they’re calibrated, connected, and drawing power correctly.

When Does Heating Maintenance Need to Be Done?

It’s ideal if you can get your heating maintenance scheduled before you need to turn the heat on for the first time as the fall weather gets chillier. That way, you’ll know for sure the system will work properly, and you can avoid that burning smell that happens when a year’s worth of dust gets heated up! The essential goal, though, is to have heating maintenance done once a year, every year.

What Are the Benefits of Heating Maintenance?

  • Safety: Once heating maintenance is done, you’ll have minimized your risk of all kinds of safety hazards associated with heating. These include electrical shock, fire, gas leaks, and carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Efficiency: A heating system’s efficiency drops throughout the year. The friction from the dust buildup and gradual depletion of lubricant forces the system to work harder. By the end of a winter’s heating, it’s about 5% less efficient! But that efficiency can be restored by maintenance.
  • Effectiveness: It’s easy for a heating system to end up leaving you with uneven heat, some rooms hotter while some never get warm enough, when it hasn’t received maintenance.
  • Functionality: As we mentioned at the beginning, the one thing you really don’t want is a heating system that fails or breaks down, especially since it’s most likely to do this when the weather is coldest and it’s working extra hard! Amazingly, maintenance can help you to avoid 85% of potential repair needs.
  • Longevity: While a gas furnace might last seven or eight years and an electric one ten or so without maintenance, that estimate could double if you’re diligent about having maintenance done every year. You might not need a new heating system for fifteen or twenty years!

Don’t miss out on all these benefits! Schedule your furnace service in Bovey, MN today.

Reach out to Mesaba Heating & Air Conditioning today. Service to you is success to us!

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