Mesaba Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘boiler repair’

Is Something Wrong with My Boiler?

Monday, January 20th, 2025

A boiler is a spectacular piece of engineering that can keep your home toasty and warm for decades. Even better, during the entire time it will run, repairs will only be needed on very rare occasions. This makes them a perfect choice for heating in cold climates like ours, where we really don’t want to have a heating system breakdown in the middle of a cold winter night!

The sad truth, however, is that nothing can work perfectly forever. Once in a while, your boiler may need repair. And if you’re so accustomed to it running just fine all the time, you might not know how to tell there’s a problem! We’ve got you covered. Here are the clues you should watch (and listen) for. If any of these things happen, it’s time to get boiler repairs.

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All the Pros and Cons of Using a Boiler to Heat Your Home

Monday, February 20th, 2023

Are you building a new home? Or perhaps you’re unsatisfied with your current heating system and looking for something better? A boiler is a great option for home heating, and as you weigh that possibility, you should have as much information as possible. We’ll lay out for you exactly what’s great about a boiler, and we’ll also explain the potential downsides.

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Signs That Your Boiler Needs Repair

Monday, November 14th, 2022

Your boiler has been a good investment. It’s a reliable, effective way to provide heat to your home, even in the harshest Minnesota winter weather conditions. You should be able to rely on your boiler for many years, as long as you have basic maintenance done annually. However, every heating system encounters a problem from time to time, and a problem that isn’t caught early can turn into a miserable winter night with no heat when the boiler shuts down completely.

You can probably tell quickly and easily when you or your human friends are not feeling well. The signs are obvious because you have a lifetime of experience noticing them. When your boiler is having trouble, it might be harder for you to spot the signs. We have good news for you! Just as you learned how to gauge when a human should see a health professional, you can learn how to recognize the signals that your boiler is struggling and needs an appointment with a professional in boiler repair in Chisholm, MN.

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