Mesaba Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating Services’

Your Furnace Air Filter FAQ

Monday, December 23rd, 2024

Furnaces are big investments! It’s important to keep them in good condition for as long as possible. You certainly don’t want to require a replacement anytime soon. And the energy cost of heating is a big investment, too. Paying extra just because of a furnace running inefficiently would be miserable. So what can you do to make sure your furnace stays happy and healthy?

Annual maintenance must be done by qualified professional HVAC technicians. But that’s just once a year. There’s definitely something you can do more often! Your furnace has an air filter, and that air filter needs to be changed. Why? When? How? We’ve got the answers to your questions.

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When to Get Yourself a New Heater

Monday, October 18th, 2021

Winter is right around the corner, but the cold weather is a little early. If you’re ready to prepare your home, then the best place to start is with your heater. This is the time where you should be incredibly honest with yourself. Is your heater doing everything you need it to do? This is a great time to think back to last year and assess any issues that you were having. Sometimes, you might be dealing with issues that are a little past repair work. This is when you should consider new heater installation in Virginia, MN

We understand that getting yourself a new heater is a big step. If you want to make sure that this is the right step for you, then you’ve found the right blog today. We’re going to make sure that you fully understand the signs that you need to upgrade your home’s heater today.

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It’s Time to Prepare Your Heater

Monday, September 20th, 2021

Fall has arrived and it’s time to get your home prepared for the cold weather ahead. We know that there’s a lot that goes into getting any home in the area prepared. The main thing that you should focus on if you’re trying to improve your comfort is your home’s actual heater. Your heater is going to be the main focal point of your comfort for the next few months. 

We make sure that our experts understand everything there is to know about heating in Hibbing, MN. If you’ve got questions then we’ll be here to answer them. If you need maintenance of repair services, then our professionals will also be here to perform them for you. Let’s talk more in-depth about what you can do to prepare your home for cold weather.

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